Custom Camera App By AppTrait Solutions
Custom Camera App By AppTrait Solutions

Moments That Matter | Custom Camera Application

Shotz is a photo sharing mobile application that allows you to store the photos that mean the most to you between friends.After capturing photos through the app, your nearby screen shows users and friends nearby allowing you to immediately share photos up to a 24 hour period.


  • Sharing photos with friends.
  • Storing the photos that matter to you.
  • Social media privacy.
Custom camera app for iOS

Storing the photos that matter to you

After a shot has been taken you are notified through the app that you have the ability to swipe left to remove the picture, or swipe right to keep the photos that matter most to you. The Photos are stored on your Shotz profile. In your profile you can access and download printable versions of your photos and/or push to your various social networks. This process helps save space on your phone while capturing the moments with your friends that matter most.

Custom camera app for iOS

Social media privacy

Currently when you are with friends there are two primary ways you can get a photo that a friend has taken. One, wait for the friend to send it to you at there convenience, which most likely happens days afterwards. Or, have them post it to some other social media channel where everyone can see it. Shotz shares photos directly and easily for a 24 hour period. With Shotz, you leverage your friends nearby to capture the days events, while retaining a copy of the photos you want for yourself.

Available on App Store

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