True that on-demand apps have transformed the lives of all. People these days are too accustomed to comfort that they seek quick apps for all kinds of services. Whether it’s a food delivery or an online can service, logistic app or the salon services, apps are a part of everyone’s day to day life. Amidst the short and every day to do activities lies taking care of your health.
Though we all love to look good the so tempting food and our busy schedules refrain us from hitting the gym and get back in shape. Also, tracking activities, right from taking pills to drinking water, health apps lay around plenty of opportunities for all the tech entrepreneurs to try their hands on deploying a health and Fitness app.
Build excellent on-demand health and fitness app to strike the market exactly where it lacks and turn your app I a revenue-generating tool. An app that not just provides users the ease to work out at their convenience but also for the startup seeks to excel in the on-demand app development industry.
Features In A Health & Fitness App
In the era where every day new apps find a place in the play store and enter in the race to leverage traffic and be ranked among the top apps, you need to build an app that stands out from all others and demarcates itself with extraordinary features.
Let’s see what all do you need to add in order got to build a feature-rich health and fitness app.

User Panel
The first and foremost is the features built for user end. Only if an app provides the ease to include a workout regimen in their day to day activities, will users add it to their phone memory?
- User Login:
A user registration is mandatory for all new users. However, streamlining the above tedious process, add the feature of social media login.
- Visual Workout:
Keeping text for workout might not always be effective. Users may have issues visualizing and so it is imperative to add videos that reflect how a particular exercise is done.
- Live Chat:
Add an option where the user can effectively communicate with the fitness experts and seek advice related to their workout regimen.
- Track Water:
This is a must when you deploy a fitness app. Water is an essential for everyday life but at the time people are so decked up in their busy schedule that they fail to add water and so keeping an option that reminds to consume water would be a plus for your app.
- Fitness Plans:
Add fitness programs as per the convenience of the user. Divide the entire program into three parts as the beginners level, intermediate and the experts. This gives users the comfort to work as per their own level. Not every person is an expert and can do higher level workout so segregate in an effective manner.
- Progress Tracker:
Just giving a plan and leaving all up to them never loops towards sure and this is the only way to assess whether a person benefits from the app. Be it a weekly or a monthly tracker, users can know how much they have improved since the start.
- Counting Steps:
Another important feature you can add to your app is a counter that traces the number of steps walked by a user.
- Calorie Tracker:
One of the most crucial features is the one that tracks calorie. Health and fitness are all about the total calorie intake. Until and unless a user keeps pace with the total calorie consumed in a day, will he be able to get back in shape? So, this is a must.
- Push Notifications:
Update users on recent modifications made in the app. Any expert addition or deals and discounts for them to go pro with your services.
Dietician Panel
- Draft Fitness Plans For User:
The major role of an expert is to build fitness plans for users. A single plan does not work for all as everyone has their own preferences and health issues and so an option where the user can seek a customized plan is effective.
- Premium Packages:
Another feature to be added in the panel of a dietician is the price of adding subscription packs. Keep it low as a basic amount as users might not be interested in spending a huge amount at the initial phase.
- Fitness Chart:
Provision of drafting fitness plans for all users.
- Calculate BMI:
A feature that allows users to calculate their BMI to keep track of their body weight.
Looking For Hire Health-care & Fitness App Development?
Control Panel
- Dashboard:
An admin here can monitor the app remotely and also add features as and when required.
- Track User Session:
Sending updates to regular users and notifying the ones not using an app to enhance their engagement.
- Track Food Plans:
Make changes in the existing food panel and add/remove one if required.
- Track Trainers:
The admin needs to trace the activities of a trainer and modify them as per the need.
- Track Progress Of a User:
Biweekly or monthly progress of user needs to be tracked to keep them notified about their health status.
- Manage Payments:
Admin has the sole responsibility to monitor all the payments made and accordingly update the profile of a user. Admin can also add or remove a particular method of payment.
Why AppTrait Solutions
So, if you are looking for one such company that would help you deploy an effective health and fitness app, we are here to help you. At, AppTrait Solutions, we look into the basics of a fitness app and develop the same. A team of dedicated professionals who own the capability to indulge in-depth research and provide market-oriented solutions to build a revenue-based app.
We provide services in all kinds of health apps, whether it’s a workout app or a fitness tracker, a calorie counter or all under the same desk. You will get all while working with us.